Saturday, 13 April 2013

The Cell: A Molecular Approach, 4th Edition

Several pedagogical features have been incorporated into The Cell in order to  help students master and integrate its contents. These features are reviewed  below as a guide to students studying from this book.  Chapter organization. Each chapter is divided into three to five major sections, which are further divided into a similar number of subsections. An outline listing the major sections at the beginning of each chapter provides a brief overview of its contents. 

Key Terms and Glossary. Key terms are identified as boldfaced words when  they are introduced in each chapter. These key terms are reiterated in the chapter summary and defined in the glossary at the end of the book. Illustrations and micrographs. An illustration program of full-color art and micrographs has been carefully developed to complement and visually reinforce the text.

Key Experiment and Molecular Medicine Essays. Each chapter contains either two Key Experiment essays or one Key Experiment and one Molecular Medicine essay. These features are designed to provide the student with a sense of both the experimental basis of cell and molecular biology and its applications to modern medicine. We have also found these essays to be a useful basis for student discussion sections, which can be accompanied with a review of the original paper upon which the Key Experiments are based. Sidebars. Each chapter contains several sidebars that provide brief  descriptive highlights of points of interest related to material covered in the text. The sidebars supplement the text and provide starting points for class discussion. 

Chapter Summaries. Chapter summaries are organized in outline form corresponding to the major sections and subsections of each chapter. This section-by-section format is coupled with a list of the key terms introduced in each section, providing a succinct but comprehensive review of the material. 

Questions and Answers. An expanded set of questions at the end of each chapter (with answers in the back of the book) are designed to further facilitate review of the material presented in the chapter and to encourage students to use this material to predict or interpret experimental results. 

References. Comprehensive lists of references at the end of each chapter provide access to both reviews and selected papers from the primary literature. In order to help the student identify articles of interest, the references are organized according to chapter sections. Review articles and primary papers are distinguished by [R] and [P] designations, respectively. Companion Website icons. New icons in the margin direct students to the website's animations, videos, quizzes, problems, and other review material. 


  1. thank u santhosh... this site z very useful for lifescience students.. gr8 job.. continue doing it...

  2. thank you, I was looking for it really long timr
