Monday 26 August 2013

Instant Notes in Biochemistry, Second Edition

Three years ago, the sight of first-year students wading through acres of fine print in enormous biochemistry textbooks led us to believe that there must be a better way; a book that presented the core information in a much more accessible format. Hence Instant Notes in Biochemistry was born. The tremendous success of this book has proved the concept. However, not surprisingly, we did not get everything right at the first attempt. Student readers and lecturing staff told us about the relatively scant coverage of gene expression, for example, plus a host of other more minor, but significant points. We have addressed all of these issues in this new edition. There is a major expansion of coverage of gene transcription and its regulation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, as well as RNA processing and protein synthesis (sections G and H). Many other topics have been added or rewritten in the light of comments, including acids and bases, pH, ionization of amino acids, thermodynamics, protein stability, protein folding, protein structure determination, flow cytometry, and peptide synthesis. Whilst writing the new edition, we have also looked at each illustration again and made modifications as necessary to make these even clearer for the student reader. Many new illustrations have also been included. Naturally, all of this has led to a substantial lengthening of the book. However, in every case, whether considering the text or the illustrations, we have been at pains to include only the information that we believe is essential for a good student understanding of the subject. The key features of this new book therefore remain the same as for the first edition: to present the core information on biochemistry in an easily accessible format that is ideally suited to student understanding – and to revision when the dreaded examinations come! We have been told by students that the first edition did just that. We have great hopes that the same will hold true for this new update.



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